Hello! I’m Cleo Matlou


I am the Founder of Women About Finance and a Money Mindset Coach who helps women, like you, have a healthier relationship with money.


Can I share a secret with you?


I didn’t believe in money and mindset work. I was naturally good with my money, or at least I thought I was and believed just by having a really good budgeting system, and working my ass off (sleep is for losers, right?) I would reach financial freedom.


It wasn’t until, what felt like overnight, I fell into £30,000 worth of debt from a very poor financial decision, on a £29,000 salary and responsible for paying a mortgage for a London flat not long after leaving university.

Hello! I’m Cleo Matlou


I am the Founder of Women About Finance and a Money Mindset Coach who helps women, like you, have a healthier relationship with money.


Can I share a secret with you?


I didn’t believe in money and mindset work. I was naturally good with my money, or at least I thought I was and believed just by having a really good budgeting system, and working my ass off (sleep is for losers, right?) I would reach financial freedom.


It wasn’t until, what felt like overnight, I fell into £30,000 from a very poor financial decision, on a £29,000 salary and responsible for paying a mortgage for a London flat not long after leaving university.


My emotional, mental and financial wellbeing was at an all time low.

For the first 6 months, the debt didn’t shift - my mindset was still coming to terms with my situation and found myself self-soothing A LOT by emotionally spending. I was beating myself up for the financial mistake I made, riddled with shame and judged myself for it.

The standard I set for myself had slipped, the limiting beliefs I told myself ran the show and I believed no amount of hard work in my corporate job was going to take me out of my mess. I HAD FAILED.


What snapped me out of this rut?


I had two options:


1. I could do nothing and stay in financial turmoil. Continue to feel stressed out about money and accept my sleepless nights thinking about money is part of me

2. Decide that I can forgive myself for all the financial mistakes I have done and create a life where my family, particularly my daughter, have all the options in life that were not available to me

I realised the hard way that life will always be throwing lemons at me and having a healthy relationship with money is a daily choice. 


It's safe to make lots of money even if it means I make more than anyone in my family
My failures are learning experiences for bigger and better things to come, making me available to grow HUGE financial wealth
I am the first one in my family to break generational curses around money



Money is EVERYWHERE, I am open for unreasonable wealth to flow to me

Fast track 10 years later:


  • I have 3 properties in West London, Leicester and Aylesbury
  • I increased my net worth by 75%
  • I manifested a 6-figure salary, whilst working part-time to spend more time with my family and friends
  • I am a wife and a mum to a mini-me (Cleo 2.0 incoming!)




  • Have my own financial coaching business coaching and teaching how it can all be possible FOR YOU
Is it always perfect? Gosh no.

I have negative money thoughts and feelings wanting to come out to play every single day. The difference between you and I, I acknowledge them and then CHOOSE not to allow them to run the show.


I’m a Money Mindset Coach because I know mastering money is just not about learning how to budget, clear debt, save and invest. I’m on a mission to show women they too can transform from money avoiders to money makers, break the generational curses around money and have a healthy relationship with money.


I am a trained Financial Coach from the Money Panel using my expertise and experience to provide quality support and guidance that will transform the way you think, feel and behave when it comes to money.


You are more than capable to be financially independent, increase financial confidence and go from worry to wealth.


It’s very easy to believe that you’re not capable to managing your money, increase your income, and to achieve your financial goals and life desires. I am here to show you that you absolutely can.


What are you waiting for?


Book A Call With Me